
Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable (No C.L.E.)

This session will delve into the interaction between physical and cognitive limitations and the practice of law.


NO CLE - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI&B) in Consumer Bankruptcy: The “What, Why and How” (No C.L.E.)

Because of its amorphous nature; making the case for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI&B) is sometimes a difficult one — especially in the context of consumer bankruptcy. While larger law firms and corporations have begun to embrace and incorporate DEI&B initiatives, the influence of DEI&B is far more elusive in the consumer bankruptcy context. This panel will discuss the challenges faced by smaller consumer firms regarding DEI&B and, by explaining the “what, why and how” for DEI&B, will propose possible solutions for creating a more inclusive environment.

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NO CLE | ABI-Live: All In: The Role of Active Allyship in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Sponsored by ABI's Diversity & Inclusion Working Group

For all the efforts around interrupting bias and diversifying the legal profession, recent data shows that diversity continues to be a problem area in the insolvency industry. While the road to a more equitable legal profession is a long one, there are practical tools and best practices that individuals and organizations can utilize today to not only increase diversity among their attorney ranks, but also cultivate a culture of belonging within their spaces.

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NO CLE | ABI-Live: All In: The Role of Active Allyship in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Sponsored by ABI's Diversity & Inclusion Working Group

For all the efforts around interrupting bias and diversifying the legal profession, recent data shows that diversity continues to be a problem area in the insolvency industry. While the road to a more equitable legal profession is a long one, there are practical tools and best practices that individuals and organizations can utilize today to not only increase diversity among their attorney ranks, but also cultivate a culture of belonging within their spaces.

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NO CLE - Minority Banks & Lending

If you're looking for black and ethnic minority bankers in senior positions at banks, you'll have to look carefully. And you may not even know that minority banks exist. This panel will include a thought-provoking discussion around diversity and inclusion initiatives based on their personal and professional experience. The goal of the panel is to encourage an open dialogue and educate our attendees on the benefits and challenges of diversity and practical suggestions for achieving a more diverse workplace.

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NO CLE - NCBJ Plenary: Diversity & Inclusion in the Bankruptcy Profession

Content begins at 19:26
Beyond discussing issues related to systemic bias, this panel will discuss approaches to challenging the status quo and addressing issues of diversity and inclusion. The panel of experts will provide attendees concrete, actionable knowledge on how to approach creating a welcoming workplace. Attendees will leave the session ready to use this knowledge to jumpstart their own efforts to enhance their workplace diversity, or to contribute to the firm’s existing diversity and inclusion efforts.

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NO CLE - Diversity in Insolvency: Continuing the Conversation for Inclusivity of Insolvency Professionals

Insolvency professionals work in a multitude of environments, including firms of all sizes, in-house and at financial advising companies. Not every job will have a dedicated DEI department or director. This panel will address how legal professionals can still encourage diversity within the insolvency profession and promote the inclusion of diverse legal professionals at every level.

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NO CLE - Be in the Room Where It Happens: Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

This panel will focus on issues regarding gender, race, diversity and belonging, and how to build a resilient workplace.

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NO CLE - The Business Case: Game-Changing Benefits of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

To make meaningful progress, legal professionals and the organizational cultures they inhabit must adopt a learning goal orientation and be willing to change. Join this keynote panel of legal professionals from across the nation for an active discussion on the business impacts of racial and gender diversity, equity, and inclusion within the legal industry. The panel will begin with a plenary session followed by breakout rooms.

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NO CLE - ABA: Gender & Judging: Does the Gender of the Judge Matter in Bankruptcy Court Adjudications?

For two years this group has studied the influence of a judge’s gender on the processing and outcomes in bankruptcy cases. Leveraging several studies in non-bankruptcy cases on whether gender influences judicial decision making, this study has looked at 837 student loan discharge opinions and compared the outcomes of those cases based on the gender of the judge and the gender of the debtor. The results demonstrate a statistically significant difference in the way men and women decide such cases.

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